Recent frustration

My Significant Gamer and I have recently been completing our save files  for Kirby’s Epic Yarn and Kirby’s Return to Dream Land (both good games that I highly recommend). We successfully completed Return to Dream Land with no problems but Epic Yarn was another story. Maybe it’s just me and maybe I’m being a cry baby but If your going to play co-op play co-op.  I got so frustrated because I felt like he was just jumping around acting like an ass turning into  car Kirby for no reason. I finally just got frustrated and said I didn’t wanna play anymore. Is this just me being to sensitive over wanting to finish/play the game or am I correct in my frustration. This has been about 2 months ago and we have yet to complete the game.

How do you deal with your Significant Gamer when playing co-op games?

About Ms. SignificantGamer

I'm not a professional writer and never claimed to be. I have been with my significant gamer for almost 7 years now. I also game but am not as hardcore as my other half. I just wanted to create a place for those that date gamers and are gamers themselves to talk about there perspective of dating a gamer and the gaming universe.
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