Category Archives: relationship

Character of the week… Meta Knight

Meta Knight has been on my mind lately because he was the ONLY character I used during our recent play through of Kirby’s Return to Dream Land. In my opinion Meta Knight is the best character to use if you … Continue reading

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New Blog Information

I was thinking this morning of how I could use this blog to teach more about the characters and games that their significant gamer enjoys so much. So I have decided to start a weekly intro called Character of the … Continue reading

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Recent frustration

My Significant Gamer and I have recently been completing our save files  for Kirby’s Epic Yarn and Kirby’s Return to Dream Land (both good games that I highly recommend). We successfully completed Return to Dream Land with no problems but Epic Yarn was … Continue reading

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Impress Your Significant Gamer

Want to impress your Significant Gamer? Well here is a little bit of info that may help. I have found that my significant gamer knows the names of many important people in the gaming industry and why they are important. … Continue reading

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Gamer dating complaints..

(This is all my personal opinion) In all of the reading I have been doing and with a lot people that I know their biggest complaint about dating a gamer is that they game to much. OK..I’m sorry but I … Continue reading

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Been thinking…

I was doing some thinking last night and decided that this would also be a great to place to educate those that date a gamer but don’t speak the gamer lingo. For example what MMORPG means: Massive Multiplayer Online Role … Continue reading

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Hello significant gamers…

I am the significant other of what I consider to be a hardcore gamer. I define hardcore as he embraces, plays and collects everything that has to do with video games. We have been together for almost 7 years now. … Continue reading

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