Tag Archives: love

Gamer stuff..

One thing that comes with the territory of dating a gamer is the STUFF. Whether it be a ton of games, multiple different systems which require different types of TV‘s cause there is nothing like playing an NES on an … Continue reading

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How relevant is this to you guys?

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Gamer dating complaints..

(This is all my personal opinion) In all of the reading I have been doing and with a lot people that I know their biggest complaint about dating a gamer is that they game to much. OK..I’m sorry but I … Continue reading

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Been thinking…

I was doing some thinking last night and decided that this would also be a great to place to educate those that date a gamer but don’t speak the gamer lingo. For example what MMORPG means: Massive Multiplayer Online Role … Continue reading

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Hello significant gamers…

I am the significant other of what I consider to be a hardcore gamer. I define hardcore as he embraces, plays and collects everything that has to do with video games. We have been together for almost 7 years now. … Continue reading

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